
LingUp Logo

Your Personalized AI Language Partner

Talk out loud about your favorite topics, get instant feedback, and improve your English.

Your AI English Speaking Partner

Talk out loud about your favorite topics, get instant feedback, and improve your English.

Speak, listen, and improve your English with your personalized AI partner

Statistics showing how many words users are talking on LingUp, AI English language partner

Get motivated to speak and listen as much as you can, just like you’re chatting with a native English friend. In the first week alone, we help users speak over 1,500 words aloud.


38 minutes


22 minutes

Immerse yourself in learning English

Everyone learns to speak their native language naturally. Why not do the same with a second language? Start with easy conversations and slowly progress to more complex ones, using content that engages you.

Girl using LingUp
Girl using LingUp

How does LingUp work?

Introducing LingUp. The world's best English partner.

Stephen Krashen

“Successful language acquisition leads to fluency not through forced production, but through meaningful interaction in the target language.”

20x cheaper than a tutor

Enhance your English speaking, listening, and pronunciation skills


What sets our AI English speaking partner apart?

Learn and practice anytime and anywhere

Real-time and post-session feedback

Personalized learning
Low-pressure environment

~ 20X cheaper

Traditional learning

1-hour lessons arranged according to a tutor’s schedule

Subjective feedback

Learning is dependent upon the tutor’s program

Psycho-emotional pressure through highlighting mistakes

~ 20X more expensive

There are more than 1 million members of lingup

+500 k


+1 Milion


I came to learn that the storyline in my head … was holding me back.

Peter, Belgium

on what he learned when sitting with himself

I came to learn that the storyline in my head … was holding me back.

Peter, Belgium

on what he learned when sitting with himself

I came to learn that the storyline in my head … was holding me back.

Peter, Belgium

on what he learned when sitting with himself

I came to learn that the storyline in my head … was holding me back.

Peter, Belgium

on what he learned when sitting with himself

I came to learn that the storyline in my head … was holding me back.

Peter, Belgium

on what he learned when sitting with himself

Start right now

We’ve learned what works—and what doesn’t—for speaking English fluently.

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two students using LingUp, AI English language partner, on their phone

Supported by

The app is now live for a small group of users, and we’ll be adding more soon. Submit your details to get early access.

Get started for free